"No way! That's too dangerous if I could get killed!" you say.
"Alright. I don't have time to deal with you." She got in the cop car and sped down the road after the fire trucks. You quietly breath a sigh of relief to yourself.
"You were granted a vision and you didn't take it!" You jump, the girl from the mountains appearing behind you from no where. "Sheesh, someone else might of wanted to follow a vision. But no, not you. Okay, if you don't want to follow an adventure." The necklace flys out of your pocket, disappearing in thin air.
"What the?" is all you can really say.
"Aw, still want an adventure worthy of a Pokémon trainer? Fine." she snapped her fingers. Suddenly you find yourself and Charmander on a narrow ledge looking down into what seems like nothingness. Get done from here, you hear her say with a laugh as you stare down...

You reached the end! But you're very far from the best ending.

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