You think, eyeing the large lock on the iron fence. Pulling the old key out of your pocket that you attained from the traider, you walk up to the gate. The girl watches you with and expressionless, if not slightly amused, face. You put the key into the lock, it fits! Triumphantly you turn it as it makes a clanking noise. Suddenly there is a loud SNAP as the rusted key breaks in half. Defeated, you let the other half fall onto the ground below.
"Too bad," she says, walking up behind you. "Pity, this little plan failed."
"Plan?" you asked. She nods.
"Oh, come on. Like you didn't know." she looks at you for a moment, "Hmph, you really didn't. This is all my little dream." A mist rushes in, she disappears along with gate and toll booth. You and Charmander stand there in the misty world, nothing to define direction. I'll have to come up with something else... you hear her say. Was all this fake since the start?

So close! This is not the right ending but very close!

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