"Okay, let's see it." You take the paper from Charmander, no harm in reading it. You unrole the small paper and begin to read.
To who ever so reads this:
This necklace, if that is what you call it, can do things you might not believe. If you have it, than it's yours untill you rid yourself of it. Look at it. Those symbols are very old and in an ancient language. I know what they mean, don't ask how, but I do and maybe I'll tell you someday. Also, don't ask what it can do, it will show you itself.
---A trainer like you
You reread the note once or twice, a strange feeling going up your back.
"Is this a gift or a warning?" you wonder.
"Charmander, char." he looks at the necklace dangeling in your hand.

Keep the funky necklace? go to Page 8
No way! This thing's gotta' be evil! Ditch it? go to Page 9