*Note: This section is new and not exactly functioning correctly. Ironicly enough, the only movie not working is my Pokémon movie but that's okay because it's really bad. However, the Gundam, Sonic, Sailor Moon, and Toonami movies work. To download these, and future movies, right click on the link and click "save target as".

Pkmnmov1.mov My first movie. It sucks. Ignore the "MAINACTOR" logo in the middle. I'll be remaking this one but here's my very first attempt. Pokémon clips set to the techno from the new GS rap.
(created(final) 6-1-01)(uploaded 6-1-01)

323 KB. 58 seconds.
gwmov1.asf My second and WAY better movie. This music video contains clips from Gundam wing with "Duel of the Fates" from Star Wars in the back ground.
(created 6-2-01)(uploaded 6-13-01)

2,695 KB. 1:59
smmov1.asf An asortment of Sailor Moon S, Super S, and Stars clips to the song "Crisis" from Outlaw Star. I like how the timimg works in this one. It maybe an assortment of clips, but at the end it seems to have become deticated to the Starlights. That's just how the music worked with it.
(created 6-10-01)(uploaded 6-24-01)

2,095 KB. 1:32
sonmov1.asf HAPPY BIRTHDAY SONIC! This is my first Sonic the Hedgehog music video using clips from the newest game, "Sonic Adventure 2" and the oldest Sonic song I could think of, "Fastest Thing Alive". It's totally way past cool and it's one of my dedications to Sonic of his birthday/anniversery.
(created 6-23-01)(uploaded 6-24-01)

1,386 KB. 1:01
tommov1.asf It's finally here! While it took almost a month to get to a decent quality of which to upload, it's here! Okay, my first ever and bestest Toonami music video features clips from all eight episodes of 'Intruder', along with the original introduction and afew other things. It is set to 'Cosmic Castaway' from the Titan A.E. sountrack. I love the way the words work. Originally the music was going to be 'Electric Communication' from MegaMan, but I haven't gotten that to work yet. The music disorts when the engine blows up because I left the explosion in. ~_^ So here's the movie that took me 11 months to make. Do you have any idea how hard episodes of 'Intruder' are to find?!
(created 8-11-01)(uploaded 8-28-01)

4,719 KB. 3:30