After watching enough pokémon, it's only a matter of time untill you start writting about it. Here are fanfics written by trainers about just about anything.
E-mail me with any fanfics you have written. They can be about anything as long as they do not favor anything on our anti list.

Stories by the owner
Pokémon fic.s
Mewtwo VS. Gokou
(Short but oh soo much fun to write.)

Tom/Toonami fic.s
A Cartoon Network Commercial - Tom's arguement with Jonny Bravo
Short story about CN cutting Toonami's time
Short and none to happy fic. about Toonami on KidsWB
-Real Stories
-- Chapter 1: Rivialry in Space
---- Chapter 2: AIs, Robots, and Short Circuits
------ Chapter 4: Electric Communication (we are skipping chapter 3)
-------- Chapter 5: Cosmic Castaway

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