Topic:The first LOCKDOWN commercial

--9/3/01 It finally happened! Who called it? I did. Okay, sorry. It is 5:17(e) right now and only 4 minutes ago Toonami launched it's first promo for LOCKDOWN. Lockdown is the sequel to last September's INTRUDER special which had all Toonami fans at the breaking point. Once again, the end will be put to a vote, similar to Intruder. However, just how much of an effect on the story the fan vote will have is yet to be known. Well, Toonami's had an entire year of Outlaw Star space battles and three different Gundam wars, all of which I'm sure have influenced this new saga of the Toonami world. Once Lockdown starts there will be a new news report here everyday to keep you up to date should you, higher powers forbid, miss an episode of Lockdown. I would like to remind fans that it is Intruder which is responcible for this page having a News Report in the first place. As more secrets to the Lockdown specail unfold, we will keep you up to date aswell. You can spot the promo durning the commercial break of Mobile Suit Gundam and Dragonball. Later.

Topic:Midnight Run Special Edition

--8/28/01(Part 1) Toonami News. Surprised? Dont be. At 12:10am(e) during the Midnight run Toonami aired its first commercial for an all new special coming Friday, August 31 also to be during the Midnight run. This special revolves around Toonami's new Daft Punk, Gorilaz, and simply put 'Toonami' music videos. For all you internet going Toonami junkies, you'll know that Toonami.com has been featuring the Daft Punk music videos since it remodeled the website on July 30. You lucky people with cable modems I'm sure have been able to enjoy them at a great speed. Anyway, This is something very much worth staying up for. I would also like to add that at 12:12am(e), Cartoon Network aired its commercial for Cowboy Bebop on the soon coming 'Adult Swim'. It is the only anime(not counting Speedracer) on Cartoon Network that will not be part of Toonami. Not fair, huh? The music vid. commercial aired again at 12:33am(e), followed by the Toonami commercial for the all new DragonballZ episodes coming September 10. There's alot going on in our little Toonami based world. As a personal page note, we will soon have a Toonami music video made especialy by me back in early August. We will finally be able to upload it. Later.
--9/1/01(Part 2)
Last night Toonami aired its "Special Edition" of the Midnight Run. The first half hour was something to be indulged. First with the reappearance of "Mad Rhetoric", the Outlaw Star based movie we have all seen, and then into Daft Punk. After which was the premier of "Advanced Robotics" by Toonami. Then the three Gorillaz movies, followed by Hellbent, a claymation movie. While Daft Punk movies one through four held onto a retro Mobile Suit Gundam anime style, Gorillaz had a 100% shrume induced concept. In my honest opinion, I can not see how anyone not under the influence of drugs could have created anything quite as unique as "Gorillaz". A local Toonami fan had this to say about the event, "Out of 10, a 9.2. I really couldn't get enough of it." He went on the rate Daft Punk and Gorillaz separately as, "Daft Punk held a digital and high toned audio and actual anime video. The Gorillaz had a unique, soulful musical feel with well done animation only the Gorillaz are really capable of." The final video entitled "Hellbent", was a claymation that held a powerful message of inner happiness and individuality and most likely the highlight of the three movie genres. As for the Toonami movies premiered, they were a testament to Toonami's great music and shows. On a personal note I felt the "Gorillaz" movies were very disappointing and had nothing to do with Toonami's theme of action cartoons and anime. They seemed to be rejects from MTV or Comedy Central. "Advanced Robotics", "Hellbent" and Daft Punk 1-4 were certainly the parts worth remembering.

Topic:Video Game Reviews

Video game reviews! Highlighting two new games today, both out on Nintendo Game Boy Color. First, Pokémon Crystal, the newest installment in the Pokémon series. While sticking to the same basic guide lines as Gold and Silver, Crystal adds its our unique twists. You get the advantage of playing as either a boy or a girl, although it yields no real difference, you also get a new adventure along with battling gym leaders and raising Pokémon. The game revolves around Suicune and the Unown, while Gold and Silver were about Missingo(Ho-oh) and Lugia. The grafics are better in this game than any previous, but still there is only so much you can do on a Game Boy screen. Pokémon have been granted movement before battle, rather than stationary pictures, and all over, the simple out-of-battle grafics are better. When you meet Suicune and the other rare pokémon in the Burnt Tower they actually look like themselves, rather than the basic Pokémon icons. While Crystal has its fair share of upgrades and is a welcome to all Pokémon fans, it is to Gold and Silver as Yellow is to Blue and Red. Basicly the same but with its special aspects.
Okay, now Zelda: Oracle of Seasons. Again, another sequel to a popular series, Link is once more sent on a quest to, well, save the world. Link must rescue Din, the Oracle of Seasons who has been kidnapped by Onox, the General of Darkness. When Din is captured, the seasons of Holodrum go haywire, changing at random. As Link, you must find the Rod of Seasons and empower it with the four seasons locked in the Temple of, duh, Seasons. Anywhoo, along the way you encounter strange lands and people, all who will either help or hinder your quest. From a Witch named Maple who steals your stuff, and a Kangaroo named Ricky who helps you jump holes and fight things. Of coarse, there are eight dungeons you must get through to recieve the eight spirits of this and that. All and all, this game will keep you stumped with puzzels, fighting monsters, jumping holes, dieing several times, and basicly the game progresses by luck as you happen to stumble across the right place you're suppose to be.

Topic:08TH MS Team Last Episode

WARNING! Spoilers! At 12:24am(e) this morning, 08TH MS Team ended its last episode. The series was only 11 episodes long and ends with a painful slice of reality. Unlike Gundam Wing, there is no perfect "all's well that ends well" finally. But before I start on the end, lets get a brief over view. 08TH MS Team is about a group of Federation soldiers fighting the Zeon forces in the year Universal Century 0079. The main character is Shiro Amada, a soldier from the colonies who is assigned as commander to the 8th team. His life becomes complicated as, in the first episode, he falls in love with a Zeon officer named Ina. Afterwards, he first meets the members of his team, two of which were already on the space transport with him. They're a nicely varied group, but all soldiers who can do their job well. Anyway, as the war progresses, we learn that Zeon is making a huge mobile armor and the brain behind the entire thing is none other that Ina's twisted brother, with her as the test pilot. This armor would be the reason that Shiro and Ina meet two times more. Finally Shiro realizes that he no longer has the heart to kill people when ordered and decides that he is going to take out the mobile armor as a last act. When he reaches the attacking armor, Ina is shot out of the cockpit by her brother, Shiro and his MS there just in time to catch her. Together they attack the mobile armor head on as it is about to fire, and send themselves and it into the center of a mountain. A huge explotion follows afterwards, Shiros four troups racing to see if he is alright. The last words in the episode are Shiro saying "Soon after that, the war ended," and a member of Shiros team writing a letter to his girlfriend saying, "We never did find the commander." Shiro and Ina show up at the end, Shiro with by far enough damage to put him out of action, but alive and well as he and Ina disappear. Toonami will most likely be running 08th MS team at Midnight afew more times.

Topic:Toonami on KidsWB?! You gotta' be kidding! (w/ alittle pkmn thrown in)

--7/7/01(Part 1)
Attention pokémon masters, sailor scouts, cardcaptors, z-warriors, or any fan ever to watch an anime with the WB or Cartoon Network logo in the bottom right hand corner. WE HAVE A PROBLEM! Alright, at 8:49am today, Saturday, KidsWB showed the first commercial for something I've known about but been to unsure about to say anything. Toonami's coming to KidsWB. Good? Bad? Both! Damn, I got what I wished for. I've always thought Pokémon would be good on Toonami, but not the other way around. Alright, you may have noticed that there can be three kinds of anime fans. Those who watch only KidsWB, these are mostly dubbies, but not all of them. Then there are people who only watch Toonami, they are much less likely to be dubbies. And finally you get the well rounded anime fans who watch both. If you watch both you'll see that there are major differences. To put it bluntly, those who watch Toonami are MUCH MORE mature than people watching only KidsWB. Which makes sence. Look at the lay out. WB; you have the brightly colored little world of unproportional buildings and a dome keeping Pokémon separate. Toonami; way past cool starship and stuff that makes sence. Hell, Toonami's even got stuff like a past history for the Intruder. Not to mention the Intruder series in and of itself. What I'm trying to say is that Toonami is way too mature for something as, uh, less serious as KidsWB. Honesty, can you see something like Jackie Chan Adventures on Toonami? Our Toonami? Or any of the other shows? And why can I picture Tom telling Zeta to get a life? One other thing. WB and Cartoon Network have separate grafics teams. If you get to see the WB commercial there are three things to look for in the grafics that will make a real Toonami fan mad on matters of principal. 1; Little planet, big sign. Very Loony Toons. 2; When the Absolution hits warp speed, the effects are multi-rainbow-colored. You guys remember the Friday movie that used to be on? The Absolution is blue in warp speed. 3; They messed up the coloring on Tom. I actually went back on my tape and compared. Come on, I can't be the only person who notices these things that our "wonderful" little WB screwed up. We really DON'T need two grafics teams, two different sets of shows, and what's going to happen in September? Tom and Sara are getting a second mini-series. That sure as hell better not be on WB, like a 7 year old could take that seriously.
--7/21/01(Part 2)
Conjoined Pokémon and Toonami report today. First the Toonami news. At 9:27am today KidsWB ran its first commercial for the Toonami line up coming on July 30th. The line up of shows is as follows; Batman Beyond, `an hour of Pokémon, and DBZ. Honestly, it is not as bad as we feared in the respect that two of the three shows are anime and that Batman has been on Toonami, so Batman Beyond isn't that much of a stretch. WB is rumored to be planning a cool introduction when Toonami premiers next Monday. Before hand, however, two new shows are coming to Toonami this Monday(7/23). Mobile Suit Gundam, and 08th MS Team(premiering at midnight). So, Toonami is doing alright for the moment and got through the line up thing concerning WB. Everyone pray that 'Jackie Chan Adventures', 'Rescue Heros', and 'Cubix' NEVER come close to Toonami.
Okay, Pokémon news; Sorry for the surprise report about Pokémon Crystal a short time ago. The new Pokémon game is set to be released on July 31. Watch for it, the price should be around \\$30 to $40, depending on where you go.
--7/29/01(Part 3)
Okay, tomorrow is D-day for Toonami, atleast for the month of July. As you all know, Monday, July 30, Toonami is coming to KidsWB. There is going to be a give away along with the premiere of the massly popular anime block on WB. This contest will award 200 random entries with Pokémon Crystal, as a way of conjoining the two networks. It is really power politics in one sence. Cartoon Network and WB want to conjoin the networks, so they merge Toonami onto both, and give it Pokémon. Toonami being CNs most popular block, and Pokémon being KidsWBs most popular show. As for the week of DBZ, the six episodes to be aired on WB are three from the first season, and three from the fourth season, if you were wondering. There will be coverage here tomorrow at 5:00pm (eastern) after KidsWB ends. Untill then, sit tight and pray Toonami's pride doesn't take a dive.
--7/30/01(Part 4)
Okay, I lied. It's 4:21 and I'm making my report now. Toonami premiered on WB at exactly 3:00pm today and the lack to effort is completely apparent. Despite rumors for a cool intro on WB to match Toonami's original intro. on Cartoon Network, there has been nothing of the sort. Simply afew new grafics, everything is the same as always with the WB shows. WB did create a Cardcaptors music video for the event which left something to be desired but was not horrible. There are set to be more music videos coming everyday this week. The code for Toonami's Pokémon giveaway is "COMET". You can go to KidsWB.com and enter the contest once an hour. Speaking of Toonami on the internet; Toonami.com has had a total revamp today with an entirely new layout and longer loading flash based main page. Frankly, nothing good or worth while has come from this merging of networks. Toonami.com looks horrible compared to its old form, Toonami itself is nothing but grafics on WB and no substance, and Toonami's pride has taken a beating. Good news for today, however. Toonami.com has released some information on "Lockdown", Tom and Sara's new mini-series coming this September. It's looking very cool. So, as I was hoping I wouldn't have to state, hold on until Lockdown, and dont lose hope. Oh, and as I type this DBZ just came on with the "Rock the Dragon" song as an intro... Wait untill Lockdown, everything'll be cool then.

Topic:Pokémon Crystal!

Pokemon report! Have I been out of the loop or is this a surprise to anyone else? Alright, I recieved an Electronics Boutique magizine today and low and behold, on page 12 is Pokémon CRYSTAL. I saw no adds for this anywhere previous. Nintendo.com has no information on the game, niether does Pokémon.com. It's like they wanted to keep in quiet. The point is, Pokémon Crystal is on the market and ready to be bought! Differences in this game as to the previous games; in CRYSTAL you can play as either a boy or a girl. That's the major difference. I read an indepth article on it along time ago, but from what I recall, that is the major difference along with slightliy upgraded game play. One other aspect is that the pokémon pictures durning battle move rather than standing still like the other five games.


Okay, it's 2:03am... Only for Sonic's Birthday would I be up this early/late. Alright, ahem, IT'S SONIC THE HEDGEHOG'S 10 B-DAY, PEOPLE!!! BE HAPPY AND PROUD OF THE FASTEST THING ALIVE! Anyway, "Sonic Adventure 2" was set to be released today, however it was also released on the 19th and it's been in my house since the 20th. To put it simply, THE GAME ROCKS!!! Okay, I made an entire section devoted to Sonic! Check it out and buy the game! It's going for \\$40! Can I hear a huge "WE LOVE YOU, SONIC!!!" ?!

Topic:Deep Space Bass

I didn't expect to have a new news report between now and the release of SA2 but here it is. Some important news for any and all music loving Toonami fans; The Toonami CD "Deep Space Bass" is now available with 18 tracks from the anime block we all know and love! The track listings are as follows; Ignition, Gundams Are On Earth (Gundam Wing), Anvil Snare Remix (Sailor Moon), Dragon (Dragonball Z), Information Leak (Gundam Wing), Arabic (Dragonball Z), D&B Remix (Midnight Run), DepthCharge (Blue Submarine 6), Tension (Tenchi Muyo), Prayer, CrashGroove, Puff & Bass (The Powerpuff Girls in Toonami), Darknight (Batman in Toonami)(note on this one; the site said Batman Beyond instead of Batman, I assume a WB screw up), StarWind (Outlaw Star in Toonami), Capslock (Ronin Warriors in Toonami), Broken Promise, Walking Stick, and Space Time. It's going for \\$13.99 online but they hammer you on shipping so see you can find it in stores.

Topic:Sonic's Japanese Birthday

My first news report about Sonic! Okay, guys, today is Sonic the Hedgehog's japanese birthday! It was ten years ago today that Sonic's first video game ("Sonic the Hedgehog") was released in Japan. However, Sonic's official birthday is June 23, when Sonic 1 was released in America. That is Sonic's international birthday if you will. This is also the released date for Sonic Adventure 2, so fire up your DreamCasts! SA2 will be released in America and Japan in 15 days! One last bit of info, Princess Sally's birthday is June 19, if you'd like to know. Some sites are saying that this is when SA2 will be released, but Sega.com say the 23rd; On Sonic's birthday, man!


--5/31/01(Part 1)
Okay, day late report, again. As of yesterday, to our knowledge, Toonami began showing commercails stating the fact that CardCaptors will be premiering at four o'clock shortly. CardCaptors was recently shown on KidsWB but has not been seen on the channel for awhile. Since WB owns both, it's not that big a deal to move it to another channel. Anyway, this could be a very good thing for CardCaptors. WB tended to show a new episode of this anime once a month if you were really lucky. On Toonami, it is very likely that they will show the whole thing strait through and we wont have to wait.
--6/2/01(Part 2)
Another CardCaptors report today(see Old News for previous). While watching KidsWB this morning I was surprised to see, you got it, a CardCaptors commercial. I had to ask, "why is WB showing CardCaptors on June 23 if it's coming to Toonami this Monday." Okay, here's the deal. If you have a chance to see the WB commercial and the Toonami commercial you'll notice that the episodes to be aired on Toonami are the old ones once shown on WB. Okay, Toonami is getting CardCaptors season one and season two is going to WB. We are not sure whether WB ever showed all of season one, but it's doubtful, they were also shown out of order. To rap this whole thing up in a nutshell; Toonami has all of season one and will be showing them in order shortly. KidsWB has season two and will be premiering them June 23. A brief bit of info on season two. Sakura must defeat an evil boy wizard, hey we now have a bad guy. A person she thought was normal with become her way cool guardian angel and to put the bad guy into perspective; he looks like an evil Harry Potter.

Topic:Toonami's Time Cut

Okay! This reporter's flipping out!! AND NOT IN A GOOD WAY! Due to events going on in the past two days(monday, tuesday), I have been unable to watch Toonami. Well, surprise, surprise! I'm gonna kill something! Cartoon Network must be losing it's damn mind because Toonami's been cut down to a new running time; 5:00-7:00! And with only three different shows! Superman, Tenchi, and dbz! That's it! Rumors state that the dubbing companies may be pulling out due to disputes with cartoon network. Well, whoopdie-doo! All we want to see our anime! Damn it, I know, losing the perfessional reporter touch. Okay, all I can say is that CN has made some of the worst choices in the world involving Toonami. First there was the Superman thing, getting rid of Outlaw Star, ditching Gundam, losing Sailor Moon, did I meantion the Superman thing? Alright, can we all join hands or something and pray for Toonami's safety? I am aware that Toonami will be sticking around because it is fact that in September Tom and Sara and getting another mini series. However, by then who knows what CN will have done?!

Topic:New Pokérap

Today KidsWB premiered an all new Pokérap for the G/S pokémon. How do I put it? Totally American. There isn't much of a beat to it and the pictures are pretty badly done on afew pokémon. KidsWB has been talking about the new rap for awhile now. On the commercial it says that it's about the new 99 pokémon. Someone wanna' slap them and give 'em the information that there are 100 new Pokémon? Anyway, the premier today was the entire thing, I assume, and there was no Cerebii. So maybe that's the one they missed. America is famous for screwing things up. So keep an eye out for the new rap following the new episodes of Pokémon, Saturday at 8:30 and 10:00.

Topic:Sailor Moon's Fairwell!

Well, well, well. Who saw this coming? Yep, even more Toonami news today. As I had been fore warned, Toonami has stopped the airing of Sailor Moon. Currently, Gundam Wing is in the 4:00 slot as well as at 4:30. Sources say that Mobile Suit Gundam will be filling the 4:00 slot shortly. Sailor Moon is one of my three favorite animes, and I am very upset about this. Sailor was also Toonami's original anime way back in the time before Tom. Okay, fellow SM fans, listen up. According to what I've heard, Sailor Moon will be returning to Toonami with SMStars but not for awhile. Keep a strong hope and may the power of the moon be with us all.

Topic:Squirtle's Goodbye!

Day late report. Anyone who watched Pokémon on Saturday yesterday, you saw Squirtle's goodbye episode. KidsWB has been making a large deal of this for over a week. I have to say, it was a very depressing episode. Squirtle returns to his old pals, the Squirtle Squad, after leading them to a victory in the Pokémon Fire Fighting Grand Prix. With Squirlte gone, Totodile is set to replace him. We new Squirtle would be leaving due to his nonappearance in Pikachu and Pichu. Any Squirtle fans have to right to upset. Ash is a great trainer, but in my opinion, really stupid at times. He's given away Butterfree, Primeape, Pidgeot, Charizard, and now Squirtle. All of which were very powerful. So let's all say goodbye to Squirtle, guys.

Topic:Pokémon 3

--3/24/01(part 1)
If you haven't seen the comercials yet, I'll tell you now! Pokémon 3 the Movie, Lord of the Unknown Tower is set to premier in April! Now, on kidswb.com, it says that the movie will come out on the 11th, however, comercials says the 6th. If anyone can remember, the same thing happened when Mewtwo Strikes Back came out. We assume the premier date differs depending on area. Watch your TV for the opening date in your home town trainers! Trust me, you'll see it. Previews for the movie are all over TV as of today!.
--3/9/01(part 2)
I've been in New York City since Friday morning so I haven't been able to report on the new movie. Okay, on Friday, April 6, Pokémon 3 (lord of the unknown tower or spell of the unown, choose one) opened it's doors. I saw it first day I got back from NYC and in my opinion, I say it's totally worth the trip. Afew strange aspects give you the definate anime feel and the computer grafics are great. You also get the reverse holo Entei card on admission while supplies last. Reverse Holo means that the picture is normal yet the body of the card is shiny. The only major complaint this girl has is that MEWTWO WASN'T IN IT! Agianst popular beliefs and photos, Mewtwo does not make an appearance in the American version of Lord of the Unknown Tower. Since we have not seen the Japanese version, we can not be sure where certain pictures of Mewtwo saposedly from this movie do fit in.

Topic:Gundam Returns!

Gundam fans, give up a cheer! Yup, Toonami makes Main Page news agian, folks. In a surprise to me myself, Gundam Wing has returned to Toonami at a 4:30 slot. Sailor Moon is back to 4:00 after a long spell at 4:30, and Ronin Warriors is gone! Yeah! As for Toonami, will Cartoon Network please make up their mind?! Toonami's last line up change was on the 19th of February! It hasn't even been sturdy for a month! In a final thought in relation to the page; This is a dent to the working Toonami Section and I'll have to revamp it again.

Topic:The End of Outlaw Star(1st time)

In a great exit, with a bang, Outlaw Star finished it's 1st run on Toonami. OLS premiered on the 23 of January and captivated a large audience including myself. The anime is about an Outlaw named Gene Starwind and the search for the Galactic Layline. Just to give you an idea, it's like a mix between Gundam and Final Fantasy. The ship known as the Outlaw Star, or the XGP, is where the gundam part comes in with the space action. The character diversity is very Final Fantasy and Gene fits the role for a FF game's main character very well. To learn more about his anime go to Toonami.com or Askjeeves.com and search. ~_^

Topic:Pokémon ER

On Sunday, Jan.21, a sleding accident threatened the life of an electronic Pocket Pikachu. Many of you out there are familar with Nintendo's original yellow Pocket Pikachu electronic pet. Due to a few bad mistakes, on Sunday both Pikachu and owner ended up submerged in a not so frozen river. The Pocket Pikachu's owner was fine, soaked but fine, however the pikachu was not. At 3:50pm, the grafics began to break down followed by a complete shutdown. Since Pokémon Centers don't really exist, it was up to the owner to figuer out some way to save the pocket pet before it was completely gone. After 2 hours of work which included opening up the entire unit front and back, it looked hopeless. A new battery was bought but there was little hope for the electronic. Still without screws and now missing some pieces, the Pocket Pikachu was dried with a hair dryer and left to dry. About an hour and a half later, the new battery was tried with the already registered as dead pokémon. Low and behold there was a spark of life! Rushing back into "surgery", the nexted half hour was a roller coaster of hope. Thankfully, the Pocket Pikachu stands to make a full recovery. The surgoen had this to say, "I must be the only surgoen/pokémon master to ever save a patient and still have parts left over."

Topic:MegaManX Extreme

A late report. Megaman Extreme for Gameboy Color came out on Jan. 10. Why don't you own it yet?! Okay, I don't have it either, but that's just 'cause we just heard about it yesteday. So, yes. In addition to Pokémon, Sonic, Sailor Moon, Gundam Wing, and Toonami, I like MMX too. The game introduces two new characters named Midi and Techno. One of which resembles a chibi purple version of X/Bass. Also there are two new Mavrick bosses and a new story line. Buy it people!

Topic:The Intruder Series Returns to Toonami bringing Blue Sub 6 and Endless Waltz with it.

--11/6/00(part 1)
The Intruder Series has returned! To anyone who missed it at 5:00, the Intruder Series premiere the long awaited episode 7 of "Intruder". To anyone else who watched the entire Intruder series 1-6 that was on in September, this is a big deal. It's been 1 month and 14 days since the 6th episode and Toonami has finally completed the grafics for the next episodes. The Absolution arrived at Starpower and Episode 8 should be on tommorrow(11/7), at 5:00pm. Enjoy!
--11/7/00(part 2)
Disappointing an audience, Toonami did not show the next episode of Intruder at 5:00 today. Blue Submarine no.6, which premeired on Toonami yesterday, seemed to be the important thing today. I am unaware as to when they will be airing the next Intruder episode, as Blue Sub 6 heads into it's 3rd episode tommorrow(11/8).
--11/10/00(part 3)
Today, Gundam Wing Endless Waltz premiers at 5:00pm! The original is 3 hours long, have fun! I don't know how long this showing will run, or if they'll show the whole thing. Just as a very brief summery; Trieze's duaghter trys to take over the world, the Gundam's save the day. Ta-da, that's basically the story. It's 9 of 5:00 when I'm typing this, so I gotta' go. sayonara.
--11/13/00(part 4)
Toonami news agian folks. In a very cut fasion, Endless Waltz showed from 5:00-6:30ish on Friday. Obviously in was chopped here and there. One more bit of News, Blue Submarine no.6 has disappeared from the Toonami line up. The new line up this week is; Ronin Warriors(kill it), Sailor Moon, DBZ(burn it), Tenchi, Gundam Wing, Superman. How did Superman get on Toonami? I don't even remember the original line up from way back when. I think it was Sailor Moon, Reboot, DBZ... and the rest exscapes me. Anyway, I'm sure many views hope this line up is temporary, and for the love of anime, take off Superman and keep the Powerpuff Girls far away from our imortant block of Anime(even if PPG is sorta' Japanese).
--11/24/00(part 5)
Hey, even if you're sick of hearing about Toonami, I don't care! The 8th, and supposed last, episode of Intruder was on today! Gotta' love it. I'm planning on posting all my Toonami/Tom fanfics on the page. We wish the Absolution smooth sailing but at the same time, some turbulance in hopes on an Intruder sequel or a new story all together!

Topic: Jolt League Hit's America

--10/4/00(part 1)
The new season of Pokémon is coming! Of coarse, there is one obvious complaint; What's up with this "Johto" crap? Ahem, for anyone who does not know, the original name is the "Jolt League". Now I know what alot of people asked, "Why did they change it it already sounded American?" Well, it's ironic actually. In Japan, it was called "Jolt" to make it sound more American, in America, it was named "Johto" to make it sound more Japanese. Anyway, here are the three best features of the upcoming season; There are 100 new Pokémon(minus Togipii and Marril who are already in the show), Brock comes back, and MEWTWO'S IN THE INTRO.! Yep, I have the Japanese introduction and Mewtwo, along with Mew, is in the opening. It's a HAPPY thing because they have been missing from the opening since the beginning of the Orange League. Many Pokémon, like Elekid and Hoothoot, seen in Pikachu's Rescue Adventure, are in the upcoming season aswell.
--10/14/00(part 2)
The Jolt League premeired on Kids WB at 10:00am. I have to say that the intro. was dubbed horribly compared to the original Japanese introduction, but it was alright. Instead of "Pikachu's Jukebox" at the end of the show, now there is now "Karaokémon" (dumb name, I know). A cool feature to this is that the words to the songs are at the bottom of the page, although some people might find that annoying. "Karaokémon" has all new song and scenes from the upcoming episodes. Happily, Brock has rejoined Ash and Misty, Tracey staying in Pallet. Now Ash is off to beat 8 gyms(here we go agian), capture new Pokémon, and compete in the Jolt League compotition.

Topic: Tom, Toonami, and the Intruder

-9/21/00(part 1)
I HATE CARTOON NETWORK! On Thursday, CH. 36, Cartoon Network, at about 5:02 pm, in the Toonami special Intruder, Tom, the host, was killed. :::large, depressed sigh:::. And get this, the thing replacing him is something called Tomtwo. Is it just me or does that sound WAY too much like Mewtwo. I HATE CARTOON NETWORK FOR THIS! I really liked Tom and and that commercial about his death was so uncaring. The first line is "Tom is Dead", I almost fell over when i heard it! I'm so depressed. In honor of Tom, the next thing I add will be a Tom Shrine.
-9/22/00(part 2)
Okay... :::anime sweat drop:::, so maybe Tom's not dead. But he got upgraded into a new body(Tom2), he's still called Tom, so the only thing I mind is the new look. I liked the old Tom but, hey, afew inches taller, a new coat of paint, it's still our Tom! Anyway, I have made my Tom shrine, I just have to upgrade it from depressing to storyline-ish.

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