Welcome to one of my favorite cities on the whole map! This city is were psycic Pokémon rule, it's just shy Mewtwo and Mew.


I'm still looking for decent Pictures of Sabrina, but the rest of this place is done.

Saffron Pokémon

#1. Abra in a forward fightning stance with a bublegum-ish coloered background
#2. Asleep agianst a brown wall
#3. Same as above only with a white background
#1. Out from his pokéball in a flashing by background
#2. Showing off his spoon-bending powers
#1. Infront of coolies yellow fire
#2. Side stance
#1. Whould you want this staring you in the face?
#2. Number 1! (yeah... right...)
#1. Because this picture is so choppy, it looks like something from the Exorcist
#2. Swinging his pendulum
Mr. Mime
#1. Behind some self-glass
#2. Ugh... happy-go-lucky...