"I think we have anough energy to keep going alittle longer."
"Charmander." he agrees. You continue along the dirt road, looking for a more hospitable camp site. Along the way you can see vague forms skitter through the trees, mosly likely Rattata. Finially the road ends... only to end at a bridge. You groan, getting tired. You and Charmander begin the treck across the bridge. Down below is a deep ravine, a river racing through it. Charmander looks down at it warily. You stop suddenly, Charmander bumping into you. There's a sound in the distance, a motocycle engine. Just ahead, you see about seven cycles crest the hill. "Uh-oh." You can't go forward, towards them. Can't go backwards, they'd be here by the time you got off the bridge. No chioce here. Have to wait and act normal. You and Charmander walk farther down the bridge, whistling something or other.
"Yo, kid." One of the bikers say as they get close you, "Where ya headed?"
"Anywhere, really. I'm a Pokémon Trainer," you say cooly.
"Really? Ha, with a whimpy Pokémon like that?" he asked, looking at Charmander.
"He's not whimpy!" you snap, defending you pokémon.
"Then let's battle, kid." he pulls out a pokéball, the other bikers looking on.
"Fine." you say. He smirks, probably didn't expect you to say yes.
"Pokéball, go!" the biker releases his Pokémon, a nasty looking Arbok.
"Charmander, I choose you!" you coin the phase, sending out Charmander. The two glare at eachother as they face off on the bridge.
"Arbok, Poison Sting!" The snake rears back, sending a barage of blue needles at Charmander!
"Ember!" you order. Charmander opens his mouth and releses a flame that incinerates the needles! "Now, Flamethrower!"
"Char.. Mander!" the flame slammed into Arbok, sending it flying back into the bikers!
"Arbok! Get the heck up!" the biker ordered from under the snake's bulk. His Pokémon struggled to it's tail, only to fall over agian from burn!
"Yes, we did it, Charmander!" you say happily.
"Charmander! Char!" he jumps, turning a backflip. Just then a siren begins in the distance. You and all the bikers look up as a cop car comes over a hill.
"Cops!" the biker yells, jumping on his motocycle. The police are close enough to put on the spot light, only to see the group of bikers take off. As the cars wiz by you in persuit of them, one stops. Officer Jenny(one of the many) walks up to you, a stern expression on her face.
"Alright you, what were you doing out so late with those bikers?" It's obvious that she thinks you were up to something. What should you tell her? She might not believe the truth...

Tell her the truth. You were attacked by them and had a pkmn battle. Go to Page 16
Attempt to come up with an excuse. She might not believe the truth and it doesn't seem that she likes you all too much. Go to Page 17