"Well, I uh... ya see, we were just walkin' and we're heading for the nexted town... Then those bikers..." you attempt to come up with something that isn't cause for an arrest.
"I've heard enough. If that's the best story you can give than I'll have to take you in." She turns you around, walking you towards the car. You swear to yourself then get an idea.
"Charmander!" In the confussion, no one had noticed the Charmander still standing there. He jumped at you voice, releasing a massive flame over Jenny's head. Surprised, she let you go for just a second. You run for the trees, grabbing Charmander on the way.
"Hey! Come back here!" Jenny yells after you. She chases you into the woods. After going over the river and through the woods, and about ten minutes of running, you finially lose her. Sighing slightly, you plop down on a rock to catch your breath.
"That was awsome!" Someone says. You jerk your head around to find that same girl in blue leaning on a nearby tree, "Ah, reminded me of the old days..." she says almost to herself.
"Okay, who are you?" you ask.
"The person whose been messin' with this whole thing from the start!" She answers with a laugh. Turning around the truck of the tree, she disappears off into the woods. You go to follow, only to find that she's gone.
"O..kay..." You find the road agian and head towards the nexted town. After healing at the pokémon center, it takes you almost half an hour to get through town due to a large part of it being burned down. You can't find anyone to tell you why. There is a path just west of there that you take. Only a quater of a mile down, it splits in two. Which path should you take?

Go right? Go to Page 15
Go left? Go to Page 14