You head down the left path. The sky is filling with dimming as you go on. The sun is being replaced with dark, forshadowing rain clouds.
"If it starts to rain, you gotta' get in your pokéball, Charmander." you say, warning your fire lizard. Charmander looks up at the dark sky with a challenging glance. As the sky continues to darken, it still refuses to actually rain. Up ahead, something catches your eye. As you approach, you relize that it's a type of toll booth. So, obviously, just after it is a bridge. The bridge gate it closed, the black lock hanging still. You could hop it if you tried. There is no one in the toll booth anyway. There's no choice here short of turning around. You walk up to the gate, getting your footing on the iron fence. You start to climb up, Charmander on your back. Someone clears there throat behind you. Startled, you fall off your not so high postion on the fence...
"Get off my gate."
"Huh?" You look over to the toll booth. Leaning out the window and over the counter is the girl in blue, scowling at you. "Uh... sorry?"
"Yeah, whatever," she says, "Now, listen up. You're almost done with my, uh, your little adventure here. There is only one way to open that gate, and no I wont let you just jump it. You should have something with you that you can use. Make a decision. What do you think will work." She looks at you with a smirk. You think for a moment, looking from the gate to the girl, and back agian.

Use the old key, if you have it, to open the lock. Go to Page 21
Try showing her the cracked rock, if you have it, in hope the symbol will help you out. Go to Page 22
Give her the gem, should you have it, as a bribe to open the fence. She does resemble a thief anyway. Go to Page 23
You have none of the above... Heck, use Charmander to burn down the dumb iron fence! Go to Page 24