You glance at the partialy cracked rock. You take it from the man who tells you that he was going to pass it off as some ancient script writing. Waving, he walks off. You look at the symbol on the rock, something tell you that atleast half is missing. You gasp, duh, of course! You dig into your pocket, pulling out the golden necklace. Sure enough, the symbol on the rock is half of the necklace!
"Well," you say, tossing the rock and catching it, "guess this and that have something to do with eachother."
"Oh, only mildly." Someone says sarcasticly. You swerved around quickly, but no one is there.
"Uh,... did you see anything, Charmander?" You asked, staring at where you were sure someone would be standing when you turned.
"Man..." the Pokémon shakes his head.
"I must be hearing things." You shrugg, putting the rock carefully into one pocket and the necklace back into the other. Walking away from the cliff, you go back to the juncture and head left.

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