You dash towards the mountains. Drunken Rocket's aren't much fun. Charmander is clutching your backpack as you walk along the rocky path. You soon find a small cave and step inside.
"Charmander, use your flame to light up this cave."
"Char. Charmnader!" He releases a flame from his mouth, lighting up the rock walls. There is a pile of sticks there, someone else has used this cave as a camp once. Charmander lights the still usable kindling, making a small fire.
"Away from the Team Rocket rejects?" a voice askes. Your head juts up and you see the same girl from before standing at the entance of the cave, leaning on the rock.
"Who are you?" you ask agian. She shruggs.
"A trainer just like yourself." You see a small form near her feet. You crane your neck to see what it is. Two pointy ears twitch. A Pikachu. "Hmm?" she looks down to see what's so interresting, "Oh, this is Stormy." she says. The Pikachu looks at you questionaly.
"So are you following me?" you ask cautiously. She looks at you for a moment before answering.
"No. Just... watching. You're in for a heck of an adventure. What you choose to do will effect your life and that of your Pokémon." She steps out of the cave.
"Hey! Wait up!" You run to the mouth of the cave, but that name less trainer is gone agian. "What did all that mean?"
The nexted morning you've practicaly forgot about the night before. You and Charmander leave the cave, heading on with your journey. Later, while eating lunch, something swoops down and grabs your sandwhich.
"What the?" You look up, a Pidgeotto eating the sandwhich happily. "Hey, give that back!"
"Pidg!" it throws the crust down at you then lands on the road nearby.
"Alright, Charmander, let's go!"
"Char, char!" he runs over.
"Use your...

Famethrower? to Page 4
Tackle? to Page 5