"Char!" Charmander dashes at Pidgeotto who flies up, avoiding the attack. As the bird Pokémon swervs to attack Charmander a harsh wind begins to blow, sending Pidgeotto twirling backwards! "Char?" he and you look around then the wind increases, throwing you to the ground! "Charmander!" he yells, trying to get a grip on the ground.
"Charmander! Hold on! What's happening?!" You hear glass shatter nearby, but there aren't any houses for it to have been a window. The wind begins to die, finally you can stand up. You make sure that Charmander's okay, then the two of you look around. Near a tree you find the remains of a shattered bottle. "Must have smashed agianst the tree. Huh? What's this?" you bend down and look closer. In a patch of grass is a small necklace, shaped like two ancient symbols. "It's a necklace... I think..." you squint at it.
"Charmander." Charmander held up something he'd found. It was a roled up piece of paper, a small ribbon tied around it.
"This must have been in the bottle," you sum, "What's to know about this thing?"

Read the paper? go to Page 6
Who cares? Forget it. go to Page 7