The anime junky's Webster describes a 'dubby' as; A.) An American who knows nothing about anime outside of what they see in America. B.) Somene out of touch with Japanese Anime Reality.
A.K.A. A plague on anime lovers as we know it.
Now I'm not saying that all dubbies are without hope. We can reform them but first we must find them So, I ask, are you a dreaded dubby? Take this test to find out. Every question you get wrong is one step closer to proof of you being a dubby. I pray that you all pass with atleast 8 correct answers.

#1. How many pokémon are there?
A. 150
B. 151
C. 175
D. 251
click for answer

#2. How is 'pikachu' spelt in Japan?
A. Peecachew
B. Peachaku
C. Beekachu
D. Pikachu
click for answer

#3. How is 'mew' spelt in Japan?
A. Mew
B. Myu
C. Muu
D. Nuy
click for answer

#4. What is the real name of the 2nd pokémon movie?
A. The talking Slowking
B. The Power of One
C. Revelation Lugia
D. Mewtwo Strikes Back
click for answer

#5. Which pokémon is the star of the 'baned' episode og pokémon.
A. Mewtwo
B. Pikachu
C. Tauros
D. Porygon
click for answer

#6. What two thing were cut out of 'Mewtwo Strikes Back'?
A. Blood and Swears
B. Drugs and guns
C. Death and talk about God
C. Some one killing a TV censor
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#7. Is Ash's name the same in Japan?
A. Yes
B. No
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#8. What is Slowking's Japanese name?
A. Slowking
B. King Slow
C. Yado King
D. Pants King
click for answer

#9. What is the name of the 3rd Pokémon movie?
A. Mewtwo Returns
B. Pikachu's Vaction
C. Mystic Marril
D. Lord of the Unknown Tower
click for answer

#10. What is Team Rocket called in Japan?
A. Rocket Gang
B. Star fighters
C. Team Rocket Rejects
D. Rocket Crew
click for answer

*BONUS(does not count for final score, it's just for fun)
**What is Anime?(get this wrong and get off my page)
A. A cartoon show
B. American Television
C. Japanese Animation from Japan
D. Infomercials
click for answer

If you got more than 8 answers correct, click here.
If you got less than 8 corest, please, click HERE.