"I'm too tired to walk any more." you say to Charmander with a yawn. "We don't know if the road gets any better up there, anyway." You can only step about three feet off the road before hitting brush, but it'll do. You spred out you sleeping bag as a Hoothoot crys somewhere off in the forest. Charmander curls up close to you, falling asleep quickly. You too fall into a deep sleep, your mind tired from the days walk. In your dreams, you can see yourself winning the Pokémon League Compotition with the Pokémon you someday hope to own. In your dream Charmander is still a Charmander for some reason, dreams are weird like that. Strangely, the dream begins to deform and contort untill it's completely diferent. You swear you can see those two weird symbols flash before your eyes, them images of guys dressed in black with R's on all their clothes. Pictures of fire and scared people. You are shocked from your dream with the image of a firery wooded beam falling towards you!
"Char... mander..?" the half asleep Pokémon glances up at you.
"Just a nightmare I guess." You look up the road, something catching you eye. Flashing lights. Then a siren through the night air. You jump as a squadron of fire trucks blast by. Curiousity getting the best of you, you wave for a police car to stop. "What's going on?" you ask Officer Jenny.
"There's a huge fire in the town up ahead. They think it's arsonists. We could use help."
"I'm not gonna' lie to you, it could be dangerous but peoples lives are at stake."
She says seriously.

People's lives are in danger! Plus it could be fun. Go to Page 13
No way. That dream was a omen! I could get killed! Go to Page 12